Lesya Orobets was beaten by deputy from Party of Regions

The message from Lesya Orobets Facebook page:

“Yesterday a Regions animal struck me in the upper chest. It was a powerful blow. This was the second time that was assaulted. The first time was 10 days ago when walking to the Maidan with 3 of my colleagues, we were stopped by 5 Berkut members, and they grabbed and broke my camera, pushed me toward the floor and beat my coworkers.

When the quickly raped YanukFraction was voting on the law on hostages, as it has become their tradition, they did not have 232 votes, there weren’t event 226 votes, so they had had 10-15 voting cards unused. I tried to prevent the fake voting, and it hit me with force in the upper chest into the shoulder (on photo, he is darkish and bald). With a professional, close, bandit style jab. That’s what you get, I had just off my bullet-proof vest in the Parliament of Ukraine.

I admit, I was surprised, in life nobody ever prepared me for hand combat, it was not a requirement for an international lawyer. There was nobody around willing to defend me, no men were to be found.

In time I left, I stabilized, it doesn’t hurt when I breathe any more.

Today went ok , did not even hurt as you breathe.

Next time, going into a session with the Regionsgang, it is best to wear a bullet-proof vest, a helmet, with a walkie-takie, to call backup help. Although the brothers from Self-Defense – Samooborona tell me that one will need a flamethrower, so that they will have a threatening good laugh. They are better at it, but my own field is closer to legislation and international treaty law.

Nobody but you, yes, personally you!”


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