FoE International position concerning the arests of FoE Ukraine activist

Friends of the Earth International, the world’s largest federation of grassroots environmental groups, is demanding the immediate release of Friends of the Earth Ukraine member Vadim Shebanov and other activists arrested and detained by the police during a peaceful protest in the city of Dnipropetrovsk on January 26. Mr Shebanov, who is a well-known activist and former deputy of the Dnipropetrovsk city council, was engaged in an effort to try and open negotiations between local authorities and protesters gathered in the city centre.

We condemn the recent abhorrent violence in Ukraine and call on all parties to pressure Ukraine to end the violence, allow investigations into allegations of police abuse, and repeal its new anti-democratic laws.

We strongly urge the Ukrainian government to fully reverse recent anti-democratic national legislation adopted on January 16 that effectively criminalizes political, civil and social activities. Of particular concern are bans on public assembly, restrictions on information sharing and repressive regulations governing the activities of non-governmental organizations. Far from posing a threat to society, these activities help to develop community life, build peace and protect the free and frank exchange of ideas.

We are alarmed by the potential impact of the new legislation on the entirely peaceful activities of Friends of the Earth (FoE) Ukraine / Зелений світ. FoE Ukraine is a vibrant and extremely active member of both the international federation Friends of the Earth International and the regional network Friends of the Earth Europe. FoE Ukraine’s transnational cooperation is a vital part of its work to raise environmental awareness in Ukraine and contribute to regional and international solutions to shared environmental problems. Placing legal obstacles in the way of NGOs, such as FoE Ukraine, in the name of security is a dishonest affront to the very idea of international solidarity – a cornerstone of the architecture of a peaceful global community.

Environmental issues do not, by their nature, respect national borders. This work necessarily involves international cooperation. The recent legislative moves by the Ukrainian government can only damage international cooperation through myopic, reactionary national measures. Further, this raft of legislation will suffocate online and offline media and academic discourse, encourage xenophobia, and subject civil society activity in all its forms to the scrutiny of public officials: history is littered with illustrative examples of how such government interference in public life cripples innovative, creative and progressive work across education, business, civil and cultural life.

We demand that the international community works swiftly to pressure Ukraine to end the violence, allow investigations into documented abuses by the police to date and repeal anti-democratic legislation, using all available diplomatic channels.

Activist of Friends of the Earth Ukraine was arrested during the peaceful protest

Today was the peaceful protest in the city of Dnipropetrovsk. It was about 5 thousand people came to the city’s park and then they came to Dnipropetrovsk Regional Administration and Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council. People demanded from Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council to cancel the decision which supported the amendements adopted by Ukrainian parliament, which supported president Viktor Yanulovich and Ukrainian government.

People said that those amendemets are completely disagree with Ukrainian constitution and with European and international legislation. Finally people elected three activists for negotiation process between protesters and Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council and Administration. Those three people – Andriy Denysenko, Vadim Shebanov and Pavlo Khazan – had the very short chat with the vice-chair of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Administration mr. Krupsky. They demanded to make the safety conditions for people because people found a group of very agressive and criminal people collected inside of the building of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Administration. And he promised that those criminal guys will be arrested. But unfortunately the activists started to be arrested. One of negotiators Vadim Shebanov was arrested and now he is in the departament of police.

We call for all international support, we call for Friends of the Earth group to support us with this situation because Vadim Shebanov is well-nown Dnipropetrovsk activist, member of Friends of the Earth Ukraine, chair of one of sport associations, public activist and former deputy of Dnipropetrovsk city council, who try to open negotiation process between protesters and Dnipropetrovsk regional council.

We call for solidarity and support. We would like to have democratic and peaceful situation in Ukraine.

Затримано активіста “Зеленого світу” Вадима Шебанова

Сьогодні, 26 січня, під час пікетування Дніпропетровської облдержадміністрації та облради було затримано активіста “Зеленого світу” Вадима Шебанова.

В ході демонстрації мітингувальниками була обрана переговорна група у складі Вадима Шебанова, Павла Хазана та Андрія Денисенко для забезпечення безпеки мітингувальників від тітушок, які знаходились у приміщенні облдержадміністрації.  Після переговорів декілька людей було затримано. Один з них – активіст “Зеленого світу” Вадим Шебанов.

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