Архів категорії: Охорона довкілля

Demand for agricultural products drives ‘shock’ tree loss in tropical forests


Degraded lands like these in Indonesia are often the result of illegal clearances

Around five football fields of tropical forest have been illegally cleared every minute between 2000 and 2012 according to a new report.

The authors say that consumer demand in Europe and the US for beef, leather and timber is driving these losses.

The vast majority of this illegal deforestation for commercial agriculture took place in Brazil and Indonesia.

The authors say the practice is spreading rapidly in Asia and Africa.

The research has been carried out by Forest Trends, a US based, non-governmental organisation that includes environmentalists, industry and the financial sector.

Their report focuses on the question of illegality. While the cutting down of tropical forests has been an issue of global concern for several decades, knowing what’s legal and illegal has been much more difficult to ascertain.

This new study argues that in the first 12 years of this century, 49% of tropical deforestation was due to illegal conversion for commercial agriculture.

Native fishing

The illegal conversion of forests threatens indigenous tribes in a growing number of countries

The authors say consumer demand in the EU and elsewhere for agricultural commodities is the main driver for these clearances that have seen more than 200,000 sq km of forest laid bare.

The report values this trade in commodities including timber, leather, beef, soy and palm oil at $61bn a year.

“I think it will come as a shock to a lot of people, even to people who work on deforestation,” lead author Sam Lawson told BBC News.

“People are often blind to the illegalities or don’t see them for what they are in terms of the scale.”

Deadly consequences

Much of these forest clearances are illegal, but governments don’t have the capacity to enforce their own law. Licences and permits to cut the trees are often acquired through corruption.

This can have significant, sometimes deadly implications for the indigenous communities that live in these forests.

In recent days in Peru, four indigenous campaigners were murdered for their opposition to illegal land clearances.

In Brazil, where large amounts of this type of deforestation have taken place, the authorities aremaking strenuous efforts to tackle the problem.

One reason they have had success is they have started to hit the corporations involved, in their pockets – blocking access to credit for example, for companies involved in illegal clearing.

The authors believe that consumer countries like the European Union could be doing much more to tackle the problem.

“At the moment EU is giving large amounts of money to these tropical countries to reduce deforestation while at the same time it is shooting itself in the foot by importing all these dodgy products from illegal clearances,” said Sam Lawson.

“It needs to close that vicious circle, it needs to stop importing these products as a first step.”

The research team believe that the example of tropical timber could be a role model for tackling beef, leather and palm oil from illegal sources.

Forest trends global impacts

Back in the 1980s, there were attempts to ban these imports but these floundered. There were also certification schemes that met a similar fate.

Ultimately, according to the researchers, countries realised that the only thing that would work were strong regulations and not voluntary actions.

“In the EU we now have laws saying that companies have to do due diligence on their timber to make sure it was legally produced,” said Sam Lawson.

“What is needed is equivalent legislation regarding these commodities including palm oil, soy and beef.”


In Brazil cattle ranching has replaced forest canopy in some places along the Amazon

The biggest concern right now for campaigners is the spread of illegal deforestation to new countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia.

They point to Papua New Guinea where millions of hectares of forest have been licensed for deforestation in recent years. A parliamentary inquiry found that 90% of these licences were issued by corrupt or fraudulent means.

All these land clearances are making a significant contribution to global warming.

The report estimates that in the period 2000-2012, carbon dioxide equivalent to a quarter of the EU’s annual total was emitted every year.

Developed countries have embarked on an ambitious programme to pay developing nations to stop cutting down the trees. But Sam Lawson thinks this is doomed to failure.

“It is pointless paying a government to change its policies when these governments are incapable of implementing and enforcing their policies in the first place.”


США, Пенсильванія: опубліковано деталі по забрудненню криниць внаслідок буріння.

By The Associated Press

Через 6 років після газового “буму”, штат Пенсільванія вперше опублікував деталі 243 випадків, в яких виявлено факти забруднення води в криницях внаслідок розвідувальних робіт компаній з видобутку нафти і газу.

Департамент охорони навколишнього середовища нещодавно розмістив онлайн-посилання на документи відомства, що зберігаються в регіональних відділеннях. Associated Press та інші ЗМІ нарешті отримали доступ до числених записів скарг і розслідувань щодо буріння газових свердловин.

243 випадків з 2008 по 2014 включають такі, де одна операція буріння призводила до забруднення кількох колодязів. Проблеми, перераховані в документах включають високу концентрацію метану, розливи стічних вод та інших забруднюючих речовин, а також висихання колодязів чи інші фактори непридатності води для вжитку. Деякі з проблем, були тимчасовими, але не було ясно, чи ці проблеми були вирішені. Розслідуються Інші скарги.

Газ ущільнених пісковиків і сланців знаходиться під територією Пенсільванії, Західної Вірджинії, Нью-Йорку і Огайо. Розвиток бурових робіт, особливо з видобутку сланцевого газу, був найпродуктивнішим з 2008 року: понад 6000 свердловин було освоєно. Це давало мільярдні прибутки компаніям-розробникам і землевласникам, але також призвело до численних проблем і скарг місцевих жителів.

Добування сланцевого газу потребує закачування в свердловини під високим тиском мільйонів кубічних метрів води разом із хімічними домішками, які часто потрапляють у грунтові і поверхневі води.

Опубліковані нещодавно документи, пов’язані з проблемами з водою, містяться по 22 округах штату, зокрема в Саськуеханна, Тайога, Лікомінг і Бредфорд в північно-східній частині штату.

Але енергетичні компанії та компанії-видобувачі зазвичай уникають коментарів або всіляко намагаються виправдатись чи зменшити свою причетність до проблем з водою в регіоні, посилаючись то на недосконале законодавство штату, то на вихідні геологічні умови, мовляв, місцеві грунтові води природно містять значний процент метану чи інших мінералів, присутніх у розчинах для буріння. Тим не менше ситуація набула широкого розголосу в США.


Джерело:   http://triblive.com/news/adminpage/6696428-74/wells-released-gas#ixzz3BrzdT7Xs

Shale Gas: Interesting developments in Pennsylvania

Interesting developments in Pennsylvania.
After years of denial by authorities, there is more and more evidence – confirmed by authorities – that shale gas drilling & fracking has led to 100s of instances of water contaminination (243 to be precise).
Seems that – of the the 6000 wells drilled between 2008 and now – 243 led to a contamination of private drinking wells. That is an immediate problem with 1 in every 25 wells. We’ll see what happens when these 1000s of wells get abandoned.
Please use this official report whenever industry says that there are no proven cases, linking fracking to groundwater contamination!
Sample tweet: PA Environment Dep confirms: 243 cases of #shalegas companies contaminating private #water wells: http://bit.ly/1vW96wj
The article itself: