Архів категорії: Сталий розвиток

UK air pollution: why are we only now waking up to this public health crisis?

Traffic fumes across the country are provoking increased instances of asthma and other respiratory diseases. So what is being done about it?

London pollution
These days air pollution comes largely from diesel engines

When Justin Bieber collapsed last week at the O2 arena in London and was taken to a private clinic feeling “short of breath” and needing oxygen, the rumours started flying that he had had an asthma attack. They were denied by his management, but it would have been understandable if he had. Most of last week, London’s air was heavily polluted, with many of the capital’s pollution monitors recording “high” nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels as an acute photochemical smog of fumes and microscopic particles (PM) of acids, chemicals, metals and dust drifted in from the continent, mixed with London diesel exhaust and then became trapped in the still, dry air.

Only a mile or so from the O2, Rosalind Dalton had also been feeling short of breath and needed her Symbicort 200 steroid inhaler. She, too, is a singer, who has been in operatic societies since she was 15, but she says she can’t hold the long phrases these days. She lives near the Woolwich flyover, where a grey, 3ft-high air pollution monitoring box on a slip road to a busy road regularly shows pollution regularly well over the legal limit. Recently she was diagnosed with a long-term lung condition, even though neither she nor her family have ever smoked. “The air pollution has been bad in the last few weeks. On one occasion I set off to walk to Sainsbury’s and turned back because I was having symptoms,” she says. Читати далі UK air pollution: why are we only now waking up to this public health crisis?

Пятьдесят оттенков белого. Что превращает киевский снег в оружие массового поражения

Нынешняя зима в Украине стала самой снежной за последние 75 лет

Солевые смеси коммунальщиков и выхлопы автомобилей превращают киевский снег в оружие массового поражения – не настолько мощное, как в Москве, но достаточно токсичное, чтобы нанести серьезный урон живой силе столицы, – пишет Екатерина Иванова в № 10 журнала Корреспондент от 15 марта 2013 года.

Анна Гринченко, 32-летний маркетинг-менеджер одной из столичных компаний, убеждена: солевая смесь, при помощи которой киевские коммунальщики борются с гололедицей, – страшная сила. Тому доказательство – ее новые кожаные сапоги, покрытые белым налетом и трещинами.

Любимую пару Ecco зима “убила” за пару месяцев: не помогли аэрозоли и кремы, жалуется Гринченко. Испорченная обувь – полбеды, уверяют эксперты. По их мнению, снег с улиц украинских мегаполисов таит более серьезную угрозу. Вовремя неубранные гигантские сугробы в течение сезона, как губка, впитывают не только десятки тонн технической соли, но и половину таблицы Менделеева, витающей в городском воздухе.

Чтобы убедиться в этом, Корреспондент совместно с лабораторией Укрметртестстандарта провел исследование снега, взятого в трех разных точках в центре Киева – у станции метро Крещатик, у Бессарабского рынка и на детской площадке по улице Красноармейской, 6. Читати далі Пятьдесят оттенков белого. Что превращает киевский снег в оружие массового поражения

Germany’s Greens mark 30 years in parliament

From humble beginnings, the Green Party stirred up German politics when it entered parliament three decades ago. What started as a protest party is now an established part of the country’s political landscape.

In her hand-knitted, mohair sweater, Marieluise Beck stood out in the German Bundestag among lawmakers meeting to vote for chancellor on March 29, 1983. She was one of 28 new members of parliament elected in a national vote on March 6, 1983. “It was breathtaking,” she said. “It actually came as a shock for the political establishment in Bonn.”

Next to her, in a proper suit and tie, sat the leader of the Christian Democrats (CDU), Helmut Kohl – the new chancellor. Marieluise Beck congratulated him, though not with a customary bouquet of flowers.

Marieluise Beck-Oberdorf, congratulates Helmut Kohl on March 29, 1983 Photo: Heinrich Sanden +++(c) dpa - Report+++
Beck was among the 28 Greens to enter parliament in March 1983

The young Green politician handed the chancellor a sparse pine bough in the name of a citizens’ initiative to fight the decline of Germany’s forests. Читати далі Germany’s Greens mark 30 years in parliament